We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
My rating: In ”We Should All Be Feminists”, Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie explores the theme of gender, and more specifically gender inequalities. Naturally including culture as an subconscious enabler of inequalities, she argues that we should all be more gender-conscious, and erase the differences we, sometimes unwittingly, nurture between men and women from the workplace to the intimacy of Nigerian and American friends’ households and society’s distinct expectations towards men and women’s sexualities. A few thoughts caused me mild resistance, which I won’t detail here to avoid spoilers. I found this to be a short thought-provoking piece with a willingly provocative title. I felt I was given an open window on Nigerian culture, at least a whiff of it, and loved the privilege. This piece also reminded me in a sideways manner about “Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office” by Lois P. Frankel, and of the true, deep impact of history and education on gender differences....