Sue's Big Book Summer Challenge - kick off post

Well, I've been MIA here for a while and have recently caught up on posting my latest reviews. Time does fly and it's already that time of year again - Sue from is hosting her #BigBookSummer challenge again this year and I can't wait to get started. Check out the link below if you would like to join too - it's a really laid-back challenge so don't sweat it! But before I do, here are the books on my shelf that qualify for this year's challenge - 19 altogether (and that's my shortlist!). There is no way I can read all of those this year, so I'd love thoughts to help me choose! Here are the books I'm considering for this year's challenge. The English and their History by Robert Tombs At a whopping 1012 pages this history book definitely qualifies for the challenge. It's been on my shelf for a while - I guess I am daunted by its page count and the fact it's non-fiction. This one is in my grey zone at t...